NiQuitin Minis are used to help people stop smoking. This type of treatment is called Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT. NiQuitin Minis come in two strengths, each strength comes in its own pack.
NiQuitin Mini 1.5mg Mint Lozenges are for smokers who smoke 20 cigarettes or less a day.
NiQuitin Mini 4mg Mint Lozenges are for smokers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.
They can help you give up smoking straightaway. They can also help you cut down smoking before stopping completely. If you think you can stop smoking straightaway, then you should because this is usually best. However, if you feel this is too big a step, then you may wish to try cutting down the amount of cigarettes you smoke as a first step before stopping completely.
It is the nicotine in cigarettes that can make you physically addicted to them. NiQuitin Minis help you to give up smoking by replacing some of the nicotine you get from cigarettes. This nicotine relieves some of the unpleasant symptoms that smokers may have when they try to give up. These include feeling ill or irritable. The nicotine can also relieve your cravings for a cigarette and help you to resist the urge to smoke.